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Explore VisiRule - Try a Demo Today!

VisiRule Expert Systems Demos

VisiRule Demos

The VisiRule demos are here to give you some ideas as to what to build using VisiRule.

Most are based on diagrams already created by third parties and then transformed manually into VisiRule charts.


What is VisiRule?

VisiRule is a graphical tool which enables non-programmers to develop and deliver rule-based expert systems simply by drawing their decision logic. Decision graph diagrams provide an excellent way to capture and share knowledge.


Create Expert Knowledge Charts

Complex specialist knowledge can be used to create graphical models. Visual models can be easily shared with colleagues and used to communicate the decision process. VisiRule Author is a dedicated tool which enables business users to rapidly create, explore and execute graphical models using their knowledge.


Expert Systems Demos

Each demo is automatically generated from its chart. The demos are split into sectors, for instance, there is one for lawyers: Legal Expert Systems Demos. There are also various troubleshooting flowcharts on the Machine Diagnostic demo page.


Validate and Test Rules

VisiRule automatically generates the Business Rules embedded within the drawn chart. These can be immediately executed to check that the chart behaves as intended. VisiRule can generate a truth table to help validate and audit the chart.


Publish Interactive Systems

VisiRule charts are active diagrams rather than passive pictures. Once uploaded, they can generate intelligent chatbot conversations and/or multi-page web apps. A diagram of the VisiRule chart and current execution path can be shown to support navigation of the decision logic. HTML/CSS  can be used to support brand identity.​


Generating Reports and Advice

  • Charts can be exported as XML for external processing, editing and documentation purposes

  • XML-based Truth Tables showing all possible paths and outcomes can be generated for auditing purposes

  • VisiRule questions can be run both as interactive web pages or as part of a large workflow using existing data

  • VisiRule can generate structured reports and custom advice using answers given and the path taken

  • VisiRule produces a conversation transcript of each user session

  • VisiRule can produce complex letters or legal documents by propagating a document template

  • Answers, both given and computed, can be stored for analytics purposes and external workflow.

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